Wednesday, August 29, 2007

on the ship!

Here I am my second full day on the ship! It’s really VERY nice. My room is much bigger than I thought it would be (I could have packed more clothes… though maybe not). Everything is really pretty cool, I had my first day of classes today, my teachers were really funny and I’m thinking I might stay in all of them. I think I’m finally getting used to the back and forth of everything, I only really have felt sick twice and once was earlier today when I was on the treadmill, which was an experience that as soon as I got off I told myself I would never do again, though hopefully I’ll forget that by tomorrow. The food is really good! Which is bad. My roomate is nice, she’s really friendly and funny, so that’s good. People have been really really friendly in general, which is nice. There are a lot of attractive guys, though the ratio is like 400 to 200ish, and most of them are very california, which is not hot. I'm feeling kind of lonely so today to make myself feel better I went shopping, that is I bought magnets, (as I forgot mine at home! ! !!) but I suppose it kind of helped. I can’t think of anything to say right now really and I’m going “out” (up to the pool deck bar) with some of the girls I met in a bit, so I’m just going to leave it with these pictures and I’ll write more later and post it on here. These are pictures of the ship leaving Mexico! and also one of San Fransisco and... umm haha one of the Mexican border. mmm and now my pictures are not loading and my minutes are being sucked away. I guess I'll stop for now and try and to do it later. sorry, they're not very good yet anyway! I don't even have any of the ship. Love and miss you all and wish you were here becasue I'm definitly missing my real friends :(
but seriously.
but it is really really awesome.

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