Monday, August 13, 2007

two weeks!

Well, it's two weeks until I leave! In two weeks I will be on the boat, meeting my roomate, checking everything out... unpacking my stuff... HAHA, why am I writing these things... walking the gangplank, opening my room door, unzipping my suitcase, putting up my magnets... all for the ffiirrrsssttt time. haha well my point is I hope this all happens becasue I just dropped all my classes and am taking a leave of absent next quarter from DePaul! so if not it will be a slow quarter.

Tuesday I leave for Chicago for Tara's birthday and then to Texas to visit Sarah Frye! ! ! mmm it's going to be sad to say goodbye to all my chicago friends. :(
but I'm excited for this week! it's going to be a good one.

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