I have some more Thailand pictures to come, Jackie got some good ones of our hotel and I have some good pictures from Vietnam to come too! Namely me on the back of a motorbike, bbbuuttt here’s Thailand, all the SASers emerging from the ocean. Me with my black light dragon paint… haha.
Christina and Jackie standing in our beach, and the little sign for our hotel, Dew Shores Bungalow, haha and there is our hotel pool, I should have shown you a picture of the rooms and beds… I’ll see if I have one.
In contrast here is one of the pools of our Bandera hotel!! See the elephants??!?! Ok well yes… I for sure took a very nice picture of my bed here, and will make a point of showing that baby off.
Oookkaayy here are some elephants!! !! they are so cute. Mistreated yes… so that’s sad, but then they would do their handstands and you honestly could not help but emit an “aaawwwwww” oh my god they were so cute and with their harmonicas!! I will post that video when I get home, I’m not allotted enough space to post something like a video, I don’t think.
Sooo again as I was ridding one myself I don’t have a picture of me on my Elly, but there’s (I think) a cool one of Christina and Jackie walking down a path on their elephant, who seemed generally much more happy than mine but… mmm
Here is my best picture from the monkey show, that guy and that monkey (his name was Michael- by the way the little elephant’s name was Molly) looked like they could have been brothers.
There I am four wheeling… parked… which is not much slower than my average speed while actually going around the track
And the last five are at the Grand Palace, that like I think I mentioned I went to by myself, so I ran through it and took a million pictures, but I really wanted to show you, dear reader, the detail in this place! It wasn’t like one or two sections or buildings were cool, it was like eeeEEEVVVERYTHING was really cool and tiled and shiny and had, had, ornate gold colorful devil people ? on it.
Mm so here I am slightly guilty of my new found biggest pet peeve of people who don’t live in the moment but take a billion pictures, but… it was awesome. Oookkayy
Ah! Looking through my Vietnam pictures… I really really loved Vietnam. : ) It was a wonderful place.
THIS is what the streets look like! It’s so exciting there is stuff evveerryyywwhheerre, even when you get out of the city, buildings aren’t as tall but they are still all over the place and this picture doesn’t really capture the amount of people, it must have been a weird time of day, because there are millions of people whizzing all around on bikes and cars and foot and…
Here we girls plus James plus Ahntwan’s aunt are… waiting for the water puppet show getting drinks, iced green tea!! : ) so very good. Refreshing! haha.
Here’s a picture of a rice paddy I thought I ought to include… I liked taking pictures that showed all the old looking stuff and new stuff, like phone lines next to this small little house in a rice paddy on the side of the road
Here’s the ridiculous cow die temple I was talking about, it was really cool though
Here is only one little picture from the chu chi tunnel, do you think you could fit in there? You probably can’t.
hahahaa, here are a few pictures on the Mekong Delta, including one of me that looks totally fake and blue screened (I am in fact just living in CA for these 3 months taking pictures of fake world wonders – did I mention?)
oh and here is my 6$ hotel room! I don’t think I could get that in the U.S. with a TV and everything! And 2 queen beds, and AC and no bugs. Haha also locks, comforting, up like 8 (billion) flights of steep steps though
and this last one is from the war crimes museum, can you read that? isn’t that nuts! That’s like the last little plaque they have before you leave the place. “We would like to thank the communist parties and working class of the countries in the world, national liberation movements, nationalist countries, peace – loving countries, international democratic organizations, and progressive human beings, for their wholehearted support, and strong encouragement to our people’s patriotic resistance against the US, for national salvation” and I just found out that it used to be the American and Chinese War Crimes Museum. Yikes! mmmmmm well rereading that I guess it’s not that strange, but I mean I find my self a lot of those things, I love peace ! I’m a progressive human being !! but… against the US? For national salvation ?? ah it’s just kind of overwhelming.
Well! More pictures to come my friends! I have a lllloootttt of work to do. Yesterday we refueled for 24 hours of the cost of Singapore, it was pretty cool, we didn’t get to get out or anything but being anchored in a bay definitely made yoga class a little easier and different lands are always cool breakfast scenery.
Why did we refill of Singapore you ask?? I guess I don’t really know… it’s expensive in India, not easily accessible in Thailand or Vietnam ? maybe? Or else we have a contract to fuel there, or it’s cheap? ANYWAY, the point is we are all fueled up and now we are – if you are sensitive cover up your eyes – hauling ass through this straight, uh the Malacca straight or something, because it has the most Pirate attack incidents anywhere in the world !! !!! ! !! and only about 50% of them are even reported! Because if any more than that were to occur ‘they’ (whoever they is?? I have no idea so these might be some false stats here, if you are statistically sensitive cover up your eyes !!) would have to shut down the straight. Haha seriously, and it is a really big deal I guess! we are going at almost full speed and it’s too fast for (even if the pirates were able to go our speed) them to board us. Haha man oh man. Ookkayy, so we are going really fast until we get to India ! and that is going to be awesome. It’s midterms here! Stressful. I don’t want it to end! Though I am homesick. But I think I’ll get over it because I want to. Ookkayy <3
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