Today is Sunday the 9th! As yesterday was Saturday the 8th, and the day before that was Thursday the 6th… man that is just wicked awesome – I say wicked now as my friends are from the east, I also will probably come home to say r’s strangely. Oh ! also it’s been Olivia’s birthday! She’s probably really busy and having a ton of fun in Poland to read this but she is fantastic and I miss her and hope she has a great day!
Right now it’s about 7:30 and I’m sitting on the lowest deck in the very back of the boat… BACK AGAINST THE RAILING! scary, but safe so I don’t have to worry. And neither do you! I’m pretty happy though I wish I could pick up my ol’ phone and talk to my mom sometimes… haha I might buy a calling card so that I can do just that. I’m also wearing my glow in the dark shirt and that makes me happy always as well, haha. OH! So we have a dance tonight! Ahh I’m stressed, I’m going to wear my more fun dress, it’s not the whole boat only our sea’s, like the floor and side of the ship that I live on, but yeah! ah I have to go get dressed up, which is exciting, but stressful, heels on this rocking ship? I’ll let you know how it goes.
Oh also as soon as last time I said I was getting used to the boat we’ve had some rocky wave nights, the night before last we had some stuff fall of the shelves, but I’ve not been sick or anything. And the weather has been gorgeous! Ah I’m going to be the color of… haha I’m going to be tan.
So I thought I should mention, every B day – day’s on the ship rotate from A day’s and B’days, we don’t have days of the week really or ever a day off, we’re either traveling or in port, except like… I think a few times later on, but on B day’s they turn of all the light on the front of the ship for a few hours and you can lay out there and look up at the stars and it’s really really wonderful, the Pacific Ocean is a BIG Ocean. And there’s nothing around us for, well at least 8 miles, as that is our sight range to the horizon.
Oh BY THE WAY! The visa picture I was so promised would never be seen by anyone, not even me, is actually the picture SAS decided to use for everything, my id/room card, my picture on the wall, EVERYTHING. So, I hadn’t mentioned that yet and it’s kind of a big deal as I’d just worked out and was told that was fine, it’s not, that picture’s up on the wall!
Haha, so today I went on a bridge tour! The bridge is the front of the boat… where I guess all the action happens, navigation, monitoring the whole ship… that stuff, haha I don’t really know how to talk about it but it was really fun and we took a lot of really cute pictures of us in captain hats sitting in big chairs and looking out of binoculars… I really need to figure out how to post them! I’ll do it in the middle of the night some time when internet will be really fast because no one will be on it.
Oookkkayyy well I’m going to go get ready for my big dance party… all dressed up and that…. and I have to find my fellow Sea TV executive producers that I can’t be at out meeting tonight because I have a social engagement! Haha uh, yeah I’ll post some pictures as soon as possible so you don’t have to read my trash. : )
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