Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just a few of my favorite things.

I am finding myself really… busy (?), unwilling to write my trip to Austria travel blog, it’s been so nice that being outside, and I’ve been reading some really good books, so reading, trumps sitting inside and recounting. For now, here are my favorite things! : )

Red bull – made in Austria, and prost to the bubonic plague statue downtown Vienna. Coolest, craziest statue I have ever seen.

Cheese and apple sandwich… yum. So good we traveled from store to store at the end of the day when certain locations were sold out.

The church I sat outside and read while Tara was in class, it was a really wonderful couple of hours.

Walking around. We walked everywhere, really great weather.

The Freud museum, in Freud’s old house. We had a lot of fun here.

Freud helps me overcome my complexes.

And of course of course, the people !

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

it is 1:07 PM Austrian time

I leave today! I'm so excited I can't wait! I still have to pack everything and go to classes and get all my work done and pick up some stuff and blah blah blah but, ah! I am so excited, tomorrow I will wake up when my flight lands at 9:10 AM in Vienna, Austria and Tara will be picking me up at the airport! And she and Shanon have planned things and ! What an exciting and wonderful week. :D

the hills are alive... !

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So my mother daughter trip to St. George Utah was probably the best spring break vacation I have ever been on. It was really different. We were at a destination spa which meant we ate really healthy really good food, and in the morning we went on a big hike or a bike ride and in the afternoon we did exercise classes like palaties and yoga and dance classes like ballet and hip hop and once we went horseback ridding and one night we went on a star walk and watched the sky come out one star at a time and though you relearn and reforget the stars every couple years this in particular was something I've never done before, it was beautiful. We spent one day at Zion National Park which was really awesome, we hiked to the top of a cliff called Angel's Landing - it was a really intense hike, and was actually more of a climb for the last .5 mile to the very top, but really worth it. It was great to spend a few days outdoors, even in Minnesota there was some snow so I got to go skiing one last time this year! Which I wasn't expecting, so that was great. The break went by fast, expecially our few days in Utah, so... short but sweet we had a great time starting to get in shape a bit and having a good time!

Here's one of our morning hikes! aw me and my mom. and I climbed up into a hole in a cliff, and there are a lot of petroglyphs in the area so we made shadow petroglyphs... and posing and stuff ;) always doing cool things... haha

Tai Chi on the rocks - you are one with nature... release yourself into the earth... and your dreams into the sky.. uh etc. it was very cool seriously.

look how cute my mom is! all these pics from her phone by the way!

biking to a coffee shop in town

I think this is really cool, can you see the tree?? it was hard to take a picture on horseback.

Zion! Was really cool, we saw big horn sheep on our second trail, very cool day.

spring break o8 !! haha Probowl in Hawaii was awesome, but those were my angsty years, and last year playing polo and skeet shooting in the Dominican and being with my friends was awesome, but this was, like I said probably the best yet! Thanks mommyo.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The spending of my national treasure money.. and then some.

So the other day, March 1st, was a Saturday. And I was lying in my bed for no particular reason other then I didn’t have anything to do, nor do I ever it seems, and I was checking my websites. Every day I end up having to check my bank balance, to make sure I don’t go bellow $0. So on this particular day instead of the usual listing of Jamba Juice, Jamba Juice, Caribou Coffee, Jimmy Johns, Jamba Juice, Caribou, balance around $19, there were some black numbers listed above the usual mass of 5 dollar reds. And these positive figures included (1) my bi-weekly pay check (2) my tax back money !! which I was surprised to see quite an amount (3) my first of the month rent check from my lovely mother, and (4) – still sitting there, the saved money my dad gave me for Christmas – national treasure style (meaning me and my brother had to run around the house following clues to find money.. yeah, it was awesome. yeah my younger brother is almost 18.. yeah it was hard to solve the clues..) – my share, of the treasure, to do with as I so choose, but preferably in an exciting or beneficial way (disappointment if I wasted it on t-shirts and drinks).

SO! That said, looking at this I was overcome by how rich I was, and also by how bored and lazy and monotonous I and my life have become, and so, I did some online shopping. I made just one purchase, and it was reasonably large and slightly impulsive. I bought a round trip ticket to Austria! To visit Tara and Shanon in Vienna in April. Immediately after buying it I panicked a bit, what if they don’t want me there, or maybe this was a fickle way to spend my money (I ought to have bought 2 new pairs of jeans and some boots ? bah!), using my tax money to go to Europe ?? flying to Austria for less than a week, am I crazy?

No. I am not crazy, I am getting really excited! It’s important to remind myself that I only live once and if I have the money I should spend it. And especially if I cannot save, to spend my money on something that is meaningful and will be amazing. It’s so hard to just do something, this is a perfect time for me to go because I might never have seen Shanon again if I don’t take the opportunity of my friend Tara studying abroad there – Shanon was an exchange student in my high school I hung out with all senior year. Plus, with me back in the contry I know my mom has really missed my blogs, so I had to do something about that! harhar. I’m kind of nervous because I don’t speak any German. And having gone through Asia and Egypt and Eastern Europe everyone speaks English, but I have the feeling that Austria and Germany (I have a layover in Germany !) will be a lot like Spain, they will be like- learn our language or we can’t help you! But I guess we will see, I’ll have to buy a phrase book!

So! I thought I would give my travel blog the heads up, there will be a new exciting entry for you when I get back to school mid April! And maybe one before that because I’m going home to MN for spring break, and then also to Utah with my madre for a few days. We’ll be in Zion National Park ! Which I have been really eager to go to since seeing the pictures of my friends from Croatia hiking around there! It looks seriously seriously cool. So I bet I’ll post a few pictures of our mother daughter trip there.

have a great day! I’m in finials now with two huge papers due Wednesday, so, obviously stalling. :D
emily lee

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

becoming concerned at the alarming rate my apartment appears to be consuming ice cream

well well well, I never wrote a Spain entry, or a culminating I love the world entry, which I did and do, but I am afraid I just ran out of time! So maybe I'll still get to it, especially now that there is so much procrastinating to be done with school started.

Today began just about the earliest way possible, me getting out of bed at 5:25 AM, AM! and journeying through the rain, rain! in January, how depressing, to a 6 AM Bikram Yoga class, which was really very hard, because it was so early. whew. and then my toenail fell off! disgusting. After I trudged home in the rain, still before anything had opened, slept 5 hours after my original wake up time, then came to work and here I sit.

The other day my roommate Sarah Frye, my friend from semester at sea Andy H, and I went to go visit my friend from high school Joke at her place of business, the Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park. It was really wonderful because it was like all the chapters of my life in one Sunday night dinner! And we took wonderful pictures to commemorate the situation. :)

Have an excelent day!