Wednesday, November 21, 2007

more pictures for you my friend!

Here is a picture from the balcony of the apartment we stayed at during the first snowfall! Oh beautiful. And here is a very steep and pretty walkway we climbed up to get to high town Zagreb, and here we are up there! Horrible picture of me, I show my chubbiness and have an oddly placed snowflake in front of my face, but it has Drazen in it and he was wonderful for putting us up and showing us all things Croatian. Last, here is the soccer game that we watched projected onto their wall and it was a big deal…

Here is Dubrovnik where I took most my pictures, it was so cool, here is the old city, a fully standing walled in city where people still live, right on the Adriatic Sea and it’s really beautiful. So here are a bunch of nice pictures, me in a door, me waving at you, a cat I thought was cute (don’t tell anyone – I thought I should show that I have a heart here and am not looking for my oil can all the time) me eating a magnum ice cream bar, me pretending to be a cool statue, a cool statue, me sitting on the wall, THE CITY! whew! that’s cool. Here I am locked in a wall, very unhappy looking. And there I am hanging around outside a building in the walled city.

Oh! And here is the creepy place I called my mom.

Here are six more pictures of Turkey! Me in the Blue Mosque square, pretty far away though. Me and Jackie in the Haghia Sophia stairwell. And hike pictures! Look at those cliffs! And that little lake is something we had to get past. I still hope to get one of the sheer rock, but I’m not sure if I have one. So! Read my Croatia diary if you please, now that i have 0 mins left : )

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